Thursday, July 1, 2021

At Times, Life around us..!

                       At times things around us seem to be opposite and biased.

This article is on the same: when one feels breakdown but, he is dissolving into a new one.


Tumbled down through valleys and rivers, rolled down through the rocks, 

knocked down from my mind….here, I feel losing everything.

With no hope left, no desire, no laughs, am I just drowning and drowning?

With ain’t anybody behind or beside me, nor speak how I feel neither show what I see;

With this heavy heart, a question always doubts me- is it all I am here for..?

Flashing back to the happiest hours, lively people, was my kind of world: My things, 

I was best at it that was my time which has been in the air now.

Why have I got all those memories, all those things which now doesn’t mean to be,

Whom should I complain to and blame?

All are standing a step ahead, by tit for tat reached to the happiness, achieved and profound** Then why me so dull and low, as if have achieved nothing..?

With a tear in my eye, I took few steps.


Flapping of wings, a blue-black-red little bug was upside down- 

trying to roll up to the position.

I went near and made it upright; it looked at me then murmured-standing so tall, profound, and happy- 

for sure- only human this can be. (He felt so as for me- Line **)

Thanked and blessed me- you have saved me; I had not been alive

 if you were not shown up here.

But why are you here in this dark-webbed room? It asked me, 

I replied I feel so alone nobody is there to appreciate, guide, and pride over me. 

It said- oh..! But still, you alone came to help one life. You are strong; 

many humans only pass by us whenever we need help.

That bug was whispering in disappointment- he had thought that

   humans are the most powerful creature in the world; 

since listening to me, now it seems like they are the weakest one 

if they don’t even stand with each other?

 Maybe that’s the reason they are spreading inhumanity, destruction, and commit atrocity upon as a result of their aggression or failures.

He looked up into my eyes and thanked me again before leaving – 

you did a great job today, proud of you that you have saved me.

 I don’t have the strength like you to save anyone.  

So, you are strong as you are all - because you are a human!


       Life is a sum-up of everything that is attached or unattached to us.



At Times, Life around us..!

                        At times things around us seem to be opposite and biased. This article is on the same: when one feels breakdown but,...